Quantum Building Supplies

Phenolic Insulation

Phenolic insulation is manufactured by a process in which a plastic foam forms an insulating core between two flexible layers.

Kingspan Kooltherm

An extensive range of super high-performance rigid thermoset phenolic insulation for roofs, walls and floors, available from Quantum.

Kingspan Kooltherm offers among the most thermally efficient conductivity and thermal performance values available, which means you can minimise the thickness of your insulation compared to other conventional insulations to achieve the same performance.  It also has exceptional fire performance characteristics. As it is a thermoset material it hardens and chars in fire situations, giving off very little smoke; unlike thermoplastics, such as polystyrene which melt, soften, and give off thick black smoke.

  • A fibre-free rigid thermoset phenolic core and thermal conductivity of 0.018 – 0.023 W/m·K; these are the most thermally efficient insulation products commonly used
  • The thinnest commonly used insulation products for any specific U–value
  • Each product achieves the required fire performance for its intended application
  • Manufactured with a blowing agent that has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming Potential (GWP)

For further information on Phenolic Insulation, call us today on 01534 610500 or email sales@quantum.je

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